What to do About Tooth Decay in our Children

If you’ve ever had a toothache, you understand that it isn’t any fun. Unfortunately, some argue that tooth decay is becoming a bigger problem for the younger generation. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your children protect their oral health and prevent tooth decay. Arguable, the most important thing you… Read more »

Exploring Your Restoration Options with Chipped Teeth

Having a chipped tooth can be a serious cause for concern. In addition to the negative impact on your appearance, a chipped tooth invites bacteria to develop cavities that could have serious complications. If the chip is large or limited to one tooth, your dentist, Dr. , might recommend having the entire enamel layer effectively… Read more »

Why Does Your Jaw Hurt?

Do you ever feel a popping or general stiffness and soreness in your jaw when you chew? These are common symptoms of TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, disorder. It affects millions of people around the country, and can great pain and discomfort. At , we are able to effectively treat TMD symptoms. The temporomandibular joint is… Read more »

Brushing More Effectively

Brushing your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, is important for your oral health. However, Dr. and our team stress that brushing your teeth properly is even more important for a healthy mouth. To improve your dental hygiene effectiveness, follow the following tips: Take Time Do you brush your… Read more »

ADA Seal of Acceptance Helps Identify the Most Effective Oral Hygiene Products

The oral healthcare aisles in modern day stores are awash with oral hygiene products. Some of which only have cosmetic value, to help freshen your breath, while others might over-promise and under-deliver on their ability to provide the maximum benefit to your oral hygiene. American Dental Association understands that it can sometimes be hard to… Read more »

Three Reasons to Visit Your Dentist

If you’re on the fence about visiting your dentist for a dental checkup, our team at asks that you continue reading. Regular dental checkups boost your smile and overall health. To encourage you to visit the dentist, we’ve provided three health benefits that come from doing so: – Screening for health problems: During a checkup,… Read more »

How to Treat Mouth Sores

More than once in your life, you’re going to experience mouth sores. It’s inevitable, even if you take special care to prevent them. When you do develop a mouth sore, there are steps you can take to keep your trial as short and pain-free as possible. 1. Medicine Your local Walgreens should hold plenty of… Read more »

Why You Want Good Oral Health Habits

There are many reasons you should see your dentist for regular professional teeth cleanings. The biggest reason is to maintain excellent oral health, resulting in a healthy smile. Preventing tooth decay and gum disease is an ongoing challenge that can be achieved with good daily oral habits along with regular dental cleanings. This is why you… Read more »

Include Your Crown in Your Daily Oral Hygiene Regimen

A crown effectively replaces the enamel layer of a tooth that suffered advance decay, lost a filling or was otherwise damaged. While your crown is made from materials that are not vulnerable to tooth decay, it will still need to be included in your daily oral hygiene regimen. Residual food particles and bacteria in your… Read more »

The Tips on Fighting Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

If you are interested in protecting your child’s smile from baby bottle tooth decay, this is the perfect blog for you! Our team has put together some tips that will help you help your child grow into the strong and healthy smile they deserve. Those tips are: · After your child eats, wipe their gums… Read more »